Why Should You Change Your Blades Each Week?
Most people keep the same blades for more than a month even up to 6 months! (Trust me, I have seen it myself) No one has ever really spoken on how long you should keep your blades on your shelves. We say that you should change your blades each week. Now let us tell you why.
- God knows where our faces have been over the whole week. All that dirt, grime, juice and whatever stuff somehow lands on our faces leaves reminisce. Razor blade cut so close that it most of the time cleans them up for you too! Changing your blades every week means protecting your lovely faces from pimples, acne and all those nasty stuff. So be clean guys! Change your blades each week.
- People have told us that they use a same razor for over a month or even two. This is ridiculous. Firstly there will be so much build up in between the blades that even dynamite won’t help and secondly the cuts will be horrendous. You see every time you shave your blades loses its capacity to cut the way its supposed to cut. The sharpness takes its toll when they start mowing your face over a period of time. This is roughly 6 – 9 cuts. So change your blades each week for that perfect cut. Every time.
- Why do razor cuts happen? It happens because of the friction between your skin and the blades. Because there is an imbalance between the lubrication of each blade over changes over each shave. This annoying aspect of shaving can be eradicated by changing your blades consistently. Say no more to razor cuts. Be safe guys, you don’t want a band aid on that important date don’t you?
- I know most of you will be thinking “Do you know how much changing our blades each week will cost us?!. ” , “do you want us to go budget? To rubbish disposables?.”. No, we won’t tell you to burst your pocket if we don’t have an alternative to the razor rip off out there. We would like to introduce to you www.shaveitclub.com premium razor blades. A mere $15.90/month, Delivered,Membership perks and a jam packed full of class.