Press Room

Here’s what the media has been saying about us since we launched in December 2015.

Screen Shot 2016-01-09 at 3.35.04 PMDecember 11, 2015

Launch Coverage on SMRT Feedback / The Vigilanteh 

Shave It Club’s release was picked up and covered by SMRT Feedback, Singapore’s biggest satire/comedy site which has over 295,000 Facebook likes.



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January 9, 2016

Coverage on The Business Times

Shave It Club’s movement was covered by The Business Times, talking about it’s service and membership perks for joining the club.

March 21, 2016

Coverage on Nylon Singpore

Shave It Club’s movement was covered by Nylon Singapore. “Guys, no more excuses for using those old and rusty razor blades. Now you’ve got Shave It Club, a monthly subscription service that starts you off with 4 blades and a handle the first month, then gets a new pack of blades to you every month. $15.90 a month, available at‪#‎nylonsgbeauty‬ ” – Nylon Singapore

March 22, 2016

Coverage on

Shave It Club’s movement was covered by “The people from Shave It Club sent me this goodie and omg, I fell in love with it at first sight. The packaging to begin with was really simple but y’all know, I like it that way AND THEIR RAZOR IS SO GOD DAMN SLEEK?! Idk, I immediately felt like a hippy Gentleman hahaha.” – Yonghui,

March 25, 2016

Coverage on

Shave It Club’s movement was covered by Darren bloggie “I’ve been using it for the past one week and I quite like it. The grip of the handle is good and it gave me quite a good close shave, and to be honest, the thing I love most is the gold shaver handle! Looks extremely premium 😉” – Darren Bloggie


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Want to cover us, or do a story?

We’d be happy to talk about the Shave It Club movement with you. Drop us an e-mail at [email protected] with the headline [PRESS] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.